I've been reading this really interesting book by David Wann called "Simple Prosperity: finding real wealth in a sustainable lifestyle." There are many ideas within this book that I feel are worth sharing. One of the key points in this book is that by purchasing less unnecessary junk, we get a lot more out of life.
I 'm only about a third of the way through the book, but I am finding it very enlightening. Maybe it is just because I am trying to figure out what I am going to do with the rest of my life, but I really want to have a job that I feel passionate about. I want to do something that will bring good things to humankind, not waste.
Here is a great quote from the first page of the book. I'll probably write more about it after I've finished the book. I'm only 1/3 through.
"Currently, more money is being spent on breast implants and viagra than Alzheimer's research. So in the very near future there should be a large elderly population with impressive breasts and magnificent erections, but no recollection of what to do with them."
-Sally Feldman
On to the good stuff.
Well, I made a huge pot of chili con carne this week - not real carne - seitan sausage! I am a lucky gal because my man loves some seitan. I followed the recipe in (yet again) Vegan w/ a Vengeance. I just can not get enough of that book! I added a few more veggies than it called for. I just can't do w/o my veggies! Fortunately or unfortunately, the recipe made a lot so we ate chili most of the week.

Tonight I am going to make a frittata! I have some zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, onions, oven dried tomatoes, and spinach! It is going to be a treat (plus we can have left overs tomorrow for breakfast)! Tomorrow we are going to go hiking. I am pushing for a trail on Tom Dick and Harry Mountain that has an elevation gain of 1500 ft and is like 3 miles total. Sounds pretty awesome to me. The views from the top are supposed to be spectacular. We will see if I can get Chad up and ready to roll early enough to go.
More food will be made next week. I am planning trying some new reciepes. I don't want to rush into autumn, but I could really go for some butternut squash!!
In other action today, I missed my bus home from the SW Community Center by 1 min! So, I figured I could either wait 45 minutes or just walk. I got home in exactly 45 min. Now I 'm tired.
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