This week is almost over and I've made quite a few new things in the kitchen. For the most part, I like to go out for dinner on the weekends because I am just hanging around the house during the week. Therefore most of my cooking takes place during the week. This week I had some huge successes in the kitchen (thank you vegan w/ a vengence!).
First of all I made blueberry pie. Oh, yeah. I'd never made a blueberry pie before and let me tell you - IT IS AWESOME! I just used the standard pie filling recipe - 5 cup fruit, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup flour, a dash of lemon juice, and some lemon zest. Stir, fill crust, bake! I did cheat a little and buy a vegan whole wheat crust at New Seasons! side note - OH, Food Front Coop in Hillsdale, please open your doors!!!
Next, I made some White Bean and Tempeh Sausage Patties! The are SOOO good. They don't taste like sausage at all, but have a ton of flavor. This recipe is in Vegan with a vengeance!
I served the White Bean and Sausage Patties w/ tahini dressing from the recipe called Garicly Kale with Tahini Dressing also from Vegan with a Vengeance. Chad doesn't like any cooked greens (BOO), so I just made the dressing. It tastes exactly like Goddess Dressing, but is so much better! I used cilantro instead of parsely cause I don't think parsely tastes like anything - oh, and cause I love cilantro. I also love Goddess Dressing. LOVE IT! I could really eat it on just about anything. I also made some Olive, Millet, and Tomato Stuffed Zucchini, but those were gone so fast, I forgot to take a picture. Seriously, so good. Again, from Vegan w/ a Vengeance.
Last night, I was stuck in a book on the hammock enjoying a Full Sail IPA waiting for Chad to come home from work and thought up this little quinoa dish.
Very Veggie Quinoa
1 c quinoa
1 carrot - juilenned
1/2 and onion sliced
1 ish cup chooped broccoli
1 small (TINY) eggplant -thai if you can get it
1/2 yellow pepper chopped
2T olive oil
1 t dried thyme
3 cloves garlic minced
1 t fresh ginger minced
2 c. veg broth
cilantro to taste
salt and pepper to taste.
Rinse quinoa well. Bring veggie broth to a boil. Add rinsed quinoa. Bring back to a boil. Turn down, cover, and simmer for about 20 min. In mean time prepare veggies and stir fry over med heat till cooked, but still a little crunchy. Add ginger, garlic, cilantro, thyme, salt and pepper. Cook a few minutes more. Add cooked quinoa and stir fry for 5 minutes. Serve w/ whatever you like. A salad. A beer. Some gravy. I made mushroom gravy from Veganomicon. SO good. Chad loves gravy.
Next up I made cornmeal pancakes with homemade blueberry sauce. I got this recipe for Iowa Corncakes from Cooking the Whole Foods way by Christina Perella (?). It is basically flour, cornmeal, a bit of sugar, baking soda, and soy milk (you could probably use reg milk if you wanted). Chad loves corn bread, corn muffins, so I thought I'd try this one! It turned out great, but I think next time I'd add some lemon juice to the pancake batter. I think lemon and blueberries are great together! You might have noticed that I make lots of stuff w/ blueberries. I do love blueberries. Also, they are fresh and not too expensive at the farmer's markets here in SW Portland!
I love pie. Then I'm done talking about food!
Big news! We bought a couch! Finally, a comfy place to sit and lay! It won't arrive for a few weeks, but I am so excited to have a couch before my parents fly out in October. It would have been a long week of Chad and I sitting on the kitchen chairs!
This has been been a kind of lazy week for me. I've read three books, sat in a hammock, done lots of yoga, aerobics, and taken lots of walks. Since Chad has started work, I've had to sit at home and wait quite a bit. I had to wait for the clothes I ordered for him to arrive. I had to wait for Comcast to show up. I've had to wait for Richard, our landlord, to show up to fix the dryer. It has been somewhat frustrating. Hence why I've read 3 books (I actually have two others I'm reading as well).
I've only applied for one job. I haven't really seen anything that I'm interested in plus I don't want to be working while my parents are here. I figure I'm going to try to find something part time. The job I applied for is a Front Desk person at an acupuncture clinic. I'd like some free acupuncture, it's on the bus line, and only 15-20 hours a week.
Today I am saying screw waiting around! My landlord is supposed to come over and look at the dryer vent in the basement because it is leaking into the ceiling and looks like there might be (most likely is) mold up there. However, I am not sitting around all day waiting for him. I just can't! So, since it is supposed to be 100 degrees today, I am going to take the bus downtown to the mall. I am going to enjoy the air conditioned commercialism that is Pioneer Plaza. We went to a movie there last Friday and I never knew there were so many expensive shops in Portland! I'm not planning on buying anything, but I could really use a new purse :)!!! After my shopping extravaganza, I'm going to take the 44 to Multnomah Village to visit their Thursday farmer's market and have a beer or coffee and sit outside. If Chad gets off at a resonable time, he can meet me down there.
Hopefully I can get some great stuff at the Multnomah Farmer's Market. I'd like to make a no bake fruit pie. I wonder if that is possible???
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